Reducing the noise pollution in a work environment helps reduce stress, improve mental health and enhance productivity. It creates a more comfortable and focused atmosphere.
Noise pollution as an issue is often overlooked and ignored, leading to potential long-term damage and distress. Not only does it negatively affect people, it also has an impact on the surrounding environment.
Whether it is the fan of an air conditioning unit, a machine operating in close vicinity or simply boiling the kettle for a cup of coffee, noise is everywhere and needs to be paid attention to.
Work environments can be full of noise pollution, some of which you may not even notice. From servicing your equipment to installing anti-vibration mounts, there are numerous ways to help reduce noise pollution and create a more healthy and productive workplace.

What is Noise Pollution?
Not every sound is classed as noise pollution. Noise pollution is defined by Britannica as any unwanted or excessive sound that can have deleterious effects on human health, wildlife and environmental quality.
Noise is measured in decibels (dB) and begins to become harmful when it reaches over 70dB. If you are constantly exposed to noise over 85dB, your ears may become damaged and you will gradually experience hearing loss over time. Extreme noise levels of 140dB+ can damage your hearing after just one exposure.
What are examples of noise pollution?
Everything exudes some level of noise, whether this is the buzz of a refrigerator, the ticking of a clock or the felling of trees. The decibels of these noises vary dramatically and some of your everyday uses in the workplace or at home may surprise you.
Noise pollution is seen as any sound constantly reaching above 70 decibels. When you are exposed to these sounds for prolonged periods of the day, the effects can be detrimental.

What are the effects of high noise pollution?
High noise pollution can lead to damaging effects on your mind and body, as well as affecting the environment around you. The most common effect of noise pollution is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). NIHL can occur immediately or gradually over time. It may be unnoticeable until it is too late, so it is best to take precautions.
Losing your hearing may be the most obvious impact of a high noise environment, however, there are many more effects that noise pollution can have.
- Physical effects of noise pollution:
Alongside hearing loss, noise pollution can have many negative effects on your body. Noise pollution can lead to increased blood pressure, which negatively impacts your cardiovascular health. This is particularly problematic for those already at risk of heart disease, such as people with diabetes or high blood pressure.
Your brain can also be damaged by noise exposure leading to headaches, migraines and fatigue. This not only affects the person but also can lead to reduced productivity and efficiency.
Noise pollution may also affect the communication of the working environment. If employees are forced to shout constantly to communicate, this can damage their vocal chords and strain their voice.
- Psychological effects of noise pollution:
The effects of noise pollution are not all physical, it is important to recognise the psychological effects as well. Noise pollution can increase stress, anxiety and other psychological factors which can implicate your everyday life.
Prolonged exposure to noise can affect sleep patterns which can lead to increased fatigue, restlessness and in extreme circumstances, insomnia. A damage to your sleep quality could lead to decreased concentration and, even occasionally, increased aggression levels.
- Environmental effects of noise pollution:
Noise pollution does not only affect humans, it also can damage and alter the environment around it. Animals are affected largely by a noisy environment, it can disrupt their mating seasons, communication and even their navigation. Lots of animals rely on sound on a daily basis, so by adding man-made noise to their environment, it can damage their routines.
There are studies that explore the effects of noise pollution on the environment and biodiversity. They found that a high noise environment can affect the growth of plant life and even change the quality of the soil.
How to reduce noise pollution on a construction site
Noise pollution is present at all construction sites but there are constantly new and improved ways to reduce this noise. Whether it is for the benefit of your employees, the environment or your peace of mind, it is important to manage these noise levels so they are controlled. Here at AV Industrial we offer numerous solutions, across all industries, to help reduce noise pollution.
- Use New or Serviced Equipment
Equipment is always being improved year on year, and one way to reduce noise pollution is to use state-of-the-art machinery. It is not always possible to afford the newest models so an alternative is to service your current machinery to make sure it is in working order.

- Anti-Vibration Mounts
Anti-Vibration Mounts are essential to reduce noise produced by machinery. These AV mounts reduce the transmitted vibrations of machinery, leading to less noise.
Here at AV Industrial Products, we manufacture and supply AV mounts for all industries. Our products can reduce vibrations from 70% all the way up to 95%. AV mounts have excellent shock absorbing properties, making them a must to reduce noise pollution.
- Use Acoustic Enclosed Areas
Acoustic enclosed areas can be set up on site which help to reduce noise pollution. Noisy equipment can be placed in these enclosures to help enclose the noise into one area.
Another way to combat noise pollution is by the use of PPE. Although this is not directly affecting the noise itself, it is very important for protecting people against the noise. Examples of relevant PPE include high-quality ear defenders and anti vibration gloves.
Positives of reduced noise pollution
The reduction in noise pollution can lead to numerous health benefits, as well as the environment. By reducing the noise level, this can lead to an improved sleep quality. Sleep is one of the most important factors in dictating your mood and health. By increasing the quality of your sleep, it may subsequently lead to increased productivity and efficiency.
Another improvement that you will see is an improvement in your brain function, as there are less external distractions. Overall, by reducing the noise pollution, you can create a better working environment for yourself and your colleagues.
If you have any queries regarding how AV Industrial Products can help reduce your noise pollution, get in touch here.