Case Study: Enhancing Operator Comfort in Agricultural Vehicles

At AV Industrial Products, we are constantly innovating and developing our range of anti-vibration mounts. Read on to learn about our latest case study in enhancing operator comfort in agricultural vehicles.

Customer Profile:

A leading manufacturer in the agricultural sector, known for producing high-quality agricultural vehicles.


The customer was experiencing excessive vibration in the vehicle cabin on a new vehicle prototype that they had designed and built, leading to reduced operator comfort and productivity. They were currently using standard rubber to metal bonded cone mounts from a competitor, which has been used for many years on their predecessor machine.


Upon being contacted by the customer, our team conducted an on-site FFT vibration analysis to identify disturbing frequencies and noted resonance near the engine's idle speed.

case study: Enhancing Operator Comfort in Agricultural Vehicles part 1

The analysis involved placing a sensor (accelerometer) above and below the mounting, measuring the reduction in vibration as a percentage.

The FFT software presented different vibration frequencies, enabling us to select a mounting with the ideal natural frequency, determined by the stiffness of the mounting.

case study: Enhancing Operator Comfort in Agricultural Vehicles part 2

We proposed our Hydro Mounts — rubber to metal bonded mountings equipped with a viscous damper.

This innovative design allowed for lower stiffness, shifting the natural frequency away from resonance while the viscous damper effectively controlled the higher levels of movement associated with low-stiffness products.

The materials used for both the Hydro Mounts and the previous cone mounts were identical: Natural Rubber and Mild Steel.

case study: Enhancing Operator Comfort in Agricultural Vehicles part 3


The Hydro Mounts were designed to be interchangeable with the cone mountings, allowing the customer to simply replace the rubber mounts with minimal engineering design changes.

We supplied samples of the Hydro Mounts for the customer to install in their vehicles. The results were remarkable, with cabin vibration reduced by an impressive 97%.

Testing and Verification:

After the Hydro Mounts were fitted, we conducted further vibration testing to demonstrate and quantify the performance. A comprehensive technical report was provided, along with field testing by the client. The customer was astounded by the performance difference and decided to implement Hydro Mounts in all future equipment designs. They were also pleased to find that the price difference compared to their previous solution was minimal.


The implementation of Hydro Mounts significantly improved operator comfort, with the cabin environment now described as having a “luxury feel.” The original mounts resonated at idle speed (700 RPM) and offered only up to 75% isolation at higher speeds, while the Hydro Mounts provided up to 97% isolation and completely eradicated the resonance issues.

Since the installation, the customer has received feedback from their end customers (the buyers and operators of the machines), noting the significant improvement in vibration, which sets them apart from their competitors. The customer’s preference is now always for Hydro Mounts whenever they design new machines.

For more information, take a look at our range of anti-vibration mounts or get in touch with our team member.